Fox5 shares TurfMutt's yard tips for fall

Just in time for the first day of autumn, the TurfMutt Foundation's Kris Kiser appeared on Fox5 Washington DC to share fall yard tips with viewers.

Watch the segment here.

Remember, fall is the time to get your yard in tip-top shape for all the seasons to come. Just a few things to remember when making your to-do lists for fall lawn care:

Remove leaves: Mulching leaves rather than raking and bagging them is good for your lawn and the environment becuase they feed your lawn, naturally, as they decompose.

Mow at the right height: Cut grass until the first hard frost. Find the just-right length for your species (typically between 2-3 inches) to keep your grass healthy when it turns cold.

Other turf tasks: Overseed grass, and don’t forget to aerate the lawn in fall to prevent soil from becoming compacted and covered with thatch – a thick layer of roots, stems and debris that blocks water, oxygen, and nutrients from reaching the soil. a healthy law

Water wisely: If you’re not getting at least an inch of water each week, keep watering throughout the fall. Install watering solutions, such as smart controllers on irrigation systems, to conserve water.

Plant bulbs and flowering shrubs that will give blooms in spring and summer to feed our pollinators, like birds, bees and butterflies, as well as provide beauty for those natural, video conference backdrops.

Plant a tree for shade or cover. It may take a few years to grow to shade-producing height, but it’s an investment in your outdoor space.

Identify the ideal time to prune specific tree and shrub species, and do so accordingly. Depending on what is in your yard, fall may be the perfect time.

Consider putting in decking or a hardscape to create an area to set up a desk or table. Make sure adequate electricity is available to power those laptops and other devices.

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