Happy PALentine’s Day: The science behind the dog-human bond

This PALentine’s Day, we are celebrating the love between humans and their dogs. There is a lot of science to back up “puppy love” on PALentine’s Day, and every day of the year.

Playing with a dog or even just petting one lowers blood pressure, slows heart rate, regulates breathing, and relaxes muscle tension. In other good-for-the-heart news, dog ownership is linked to a 21% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

When dogs and humans interact with one another they each get a shot of oxytocin, which is also known as the cuddle hormone. And having a dog isn’t just about the dog-human relationship. Scientists found that having a strong attachment to a pet makes people feel more connected to their communities and to their human relationships, too.

From all of us at the TurfMutt Foundation, happy PALentine’s Day! We hope you enjoy some extra snuggles with your furry friend.


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