Meet June’s Mutt of the Month, Louie

Louie is a mixed breed pup who was adopted by Tyler and Kelsey at the 2021 Mutt Madness adoption event at Equip Expo.

“I changed her name to Louie immediately since we adopted her in Louisville,” Tyler explains. “So many people suggested that name as I was walking around with her at Expo that by the end of the day her ears were perking up when I said it. She’s a great pup.”

In addition to a human sister named Maggie, Louie has two doggie sisters at her new home named Lucy and Pattie. There are also two cat sisters in the pack named Kitty and Smoke.

Kelsey says Tyler has a huge heart and was at Expo with his brother when he fell in love with Louie. “He wants another one, but I told him we’re good for now!” she laughs.

Maggie loves to play with the pups, and Kelsey says she puts the little girl on her back and runs around so Louie can chase them. “It’s tons of fun for everyone!” Kelsey reports.

The 5th Annual Mulligan’s Mutt Madness will once again be held at Equip Exposition in Louisville on Oct. 19 in Freedom Hall from 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Mulligan’s Mutt Madness is only available to attendees of Equip Expo and not open to the public. Early-bird discounted registration for the show is available until Sept. 7. Attendees can register to attend for as little as $25 per person. Learn more and register here.

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