April’s Mutt of the Month: Jovial

April’s Mutt of the Month is a floppy-eared coonhound named Jovial. “Her name was Bertha, and we changed it to Jovial,” her owner Rachel reports. “She is completely living up to her name. She’s happy and sweet and loves everyone.”

Rachel says they came to the TurfMutt Foundation’s Mutt Madness pet adoption event in 2019 intending to just look at and play with the puppies. “We come to equip Expo every year, and the children enjoy that part the best,” she reports. “But when we saw her sweet little face and floppy ears we all fell in love. We never expected to adopt, but something told us she needed to be a part of our family.”

Rachel tells us Jovial has settled in just fine with everyone in her pack. Despite having plenty of toys to play with, she would rather play with the family cat. Jovial also likes to cuddle up with their other dog, Mellow.

For more, sign up for Mutt Mail, a monthly e-newsletter with backyarding tips and all the news from the TurfMutt Foundation here. To learn more about creating the yard of your dreams, visit TurfMutt.com. Look for Mulligan the TurfMutt on the CBS Lucky Dog television show.

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